Our first ever network-wide Virtual Assembly took place in May against the backdrop of ongoing global crises, which have seen food prices rise and access to adequate nutrition further diminished.
Together, CSN members discussed how communities have been impacted and what we needed to change in the global food system to mitigate the impact of ongoing and future crises on global nutrition and the right to adequate food.
The outcome of those discussions has been packaged into a joint network declaration, with five key advocacy demands that emerged through this consultative process with all CSN Members.
Building on the success of the first virtual assembly in May 2022, we are holding a follow-up network event to focus on the practical steps required to deliver these demands. During and after this event, we need network members to express interest in participating and leading working groups (supported by the secretariat) on follow-up activities to take these advocacy demands forward.
Register for the next assembly here
On 20th September 13:00 UTC, we will host this second assembly where we will divide participants according to the area they are most interested in and together we will outline our CSN advocacy plans. If you’ve ever been interested in developing an advocacy strategy, or seeing how one comes together, now’s your chance!
We will be building on the many amazing pieces of work everyone is implementing around the world and learning from everyone’s experiences. In order to create this rich and fulfilling discussion we need to hear from you!
This survey asks your preference of the five demands and will help determine which area of discussion everyone wants to focus on. It asks what is already happening in these areas in your country, and is the chance for you to share any amazing advocacy and programming work you are doing in order to foster the peer-to-peer learnings we hope to have at the virtual assembly.
Please do fill out the survey and encourage your fellow CSN members to do the same as it will make our discussions far more fruitful and if you, or anyone you know wants to go a step further and volunteer to co-facilitate during the event then please get in touch here!
We hope that those members who participate in the survey and the next virtual assembly will be the first to own the joint advocacy demands and have the first chance to sign onto the declaration on behalf of their CSA or organisation.
Below, we have summarised each of the advocacy demands for ease of access.
- Advocating for all countries to make every effort, using all available resources, to satisfy their obligations to uphold the right to food and ensure access to nutrition
- Advocating for National Governments to invest in local food systems policies and programs
- Advocating for legislation to minimise the impact of commodity price speculation and the dominance of multinational corporations on our food systems
- Advocating for mechanisms such as debt relief or debt cancellation that would enable low-income and debt-burdened countries to increase their government spending on nutrition interventions
- Advocating for all nutrition stakeholders to honour the commitments they made at N4G and in national Food Systems Transformation Pathways
You can read the full, final draft of the declaration and the advocacy demands by clicking here.
Don’t forget to sign up to secure your place at the assembly!