Senior MEAL Officer, Nigeria
My work in nutrition
My name is Jayne Whyte and I work with the Civil Society Alliance in Nigeria as a Senior MEAL Officer.
I think women’s nutrition and the role women play in scaling up nutrition is particularly important to me because women and girls are at the heart of development. There can be no real improvements or growth in the nutrition sector if women’s needs and contributions are ignored.
The role of women
Being a woman and contributing to improving nutrition outcomes has made me realise that to influence sustainable change, you need data and data should be gender friendly and meets the needs of every stakeholder. There is need for a lot of education to be done in terms of gender equality and how it closely linked to development and growth; at household level to country and global levels.
We need to support girl child education and provide support to women to enable them retain their jobs and do more for themselves and their communities.
See more from Jayne on Twitter: @jaynewhyte