Partenariat pour la Nutrition en Tanzanie, Tanzanie
À propos
PANITA – Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania - is a Civil Society Alliance of over 300 CSOs comprising both local and international with geographical span covering the entire country. It is dedicated to building the political and public-will, commitment and support to end malnutrition in Tanzania. Members are engaging in both specific and sensitive nutrition interventions in their local communities. Sensitive sectors include but are not limited to: Agriculture, Education, Health, Early Childhood Development (ECD), Community Development, Gender, WASH, Livestock and fisheries.
Pays: Tanzanie
Région: Afrique australe et orientale
Nombre de membres: 346
Domaines d'expertise
- Advocacy for increased prioritization of nutrition into government plan & budgets
- Policy improvement
- Building capacity of CSOs
- Media and parliamentarians engagement for improved nutrition Implementing nutrition projects with members
Comment rejoindre cette alliance
Pour devenir membre de cette alliance, veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande d’adhésion ci-dessous et l’envoyer à :
L’alliance vous contactera et pourra vous demander de fournir des informations complémentaires.
Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse dans un délai d'un mois, veuillez transmettre le formulaire rempli et votre message original à [email protected].