Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Pakistan (SUNCSA Pak), Pakistan
SUNCSA Pak is engaged in advocacy for the implementation of multi-sectoral nutrition strategies, demanding enhanced budgetary allocations for nutrition and the implementation of rules/laws. It has also developed its strategic plan, considering Pakistan’s national and international commitments and the SUN Movement Strategy. SUNCSA Pak also built the capacity of its members on nutrition budget advocacy, nutrition sensitive programming and other issues. During the last 3 years, CSA sensitized over 200 parliamentarians on the value of investing in nutrition. In addition, over 250 journalists were oriented to highlight the impacts of malnutrition.
Country: Pakistan
Region: Asia
Languages: English, Urdu
Number of members: 247
Areas of expertise
- Budget Advocacy
- Generate political support and commitments for nutrition
- Implementation of nutrition related commitments
- Build technical capacities of CSOs
How to join this alliance
To join this alliance, please complete the membership application form below and email it to:
The alliance will be in touch and may ask you to provide further information.
If you do not receive a response within a month, please forward the filled-in form and your original email to [email protected].