La próxima Cumbre de Nutrición para el Crecimiento (N4G) 2025 en París representa un momento crucial para que los miembros de la Red de la Sociedad Civil SUN (RSC SUN) den forma a la agenda mundial de nutrición. Los gobiernos, los donantes y las partes interesadas se reunirán para asumir compromisos que podrían transformar la […]
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Nourishing equality: Partners recommit to uniting for gender equality and nutrition
Incorporating gender considerations not only improves the heath and well- being of women and adolescent girls but also strengthens entire communities leading to lasting change. Check out this call for action initiative on gender and nutrition here
LeerEncuentro regional en América latina y el Caribe del Movimiento SUN: Reflexiones de la sociedad civil
15 de diciembre de 2022 En nombre de una líder de jóvenes del Perú y de las 7 alianzas de la sociedad civil SUN (Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Perú) aquí presentes, queremos destacar 5 puntos de reflexión al cerrar este encuentro regional: Vean aquí más información sobre cómo unirse a la […]
LeerEncuentro regional en América latina y el Caribe del Movimiento SUN
Reflexiones de la sociedad civil En nombre de una líder de jóvenes del Perú y de las 7 alianzas de la sociedad civil SUN (Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Perú) aquí presentes, queremos destacar 5 puntos de reflexión al cerrar este encuentro regional: Vean más información sobre cómo unirse a la campaña […]
LeerColombia tiene su primera reunión oficial
El 29 de septiembre en la ciudad de Bogotá, se llevó a cabo el primer encuentro oficial de la Red de sociedad civil SUN de Colombia. Representantes de 15 Fundaciones y ONGs colombianas se reunieron para debatir cuál será su plan de acción a seguir durante este y el próximo año y cuáles los objetivos […]
LeerFlooding in Pakistan: Take Action
Extreme flooding in Pakistan has led to over 1500 deaths and left over one third of the country under water. As citizens struggle to find shelter, health conditions and nutrition and food security are worsening. Many of our Civil Society Network member organisations are on the ground delivering life saving support as is our national […]
LeerParticipa en la última asamblea de la Red SC
Nuestra primera Asamblea Virtual de la red se celebró en mayo con el telón de fondo de las actuales crisis mundiales, que han visto aumentar los precios de los alimentos y disminuir aún más el acceso a una nutrición adecuada. Juntos, los miembros de la RSC debatieron cómo se han visto afectadas las comunidades y […]
Leer¡Un nuevo capítulo para el liderazgo de los jóvenes en materia de nutrición para el SUN RSC!
Este año, el Secretariado de la RSC de SUN está muy entusiasmado con el lanzamiento de la siguiente fase del exitoso Programa de Líderes Jóvenes por la Nutrición, e invitamos a todos los miembros de la RSC a unirse a nosotros para reclutar a la próxima generación de jóvenes agentes de cambio en materia de […]
LeerLife under the Taliban: Obstacles faced in Afghanistan
Part 1: A Harsh Winter Written by Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, Programme Director and Co-Founder of Action for Development who provide vital health and education services in Afghanistan to the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals through cost-effective, cascade-model projects that allow for community participation and empowerment. Afghanistan has been struggling with conflict for over 40 years. The […]
LeerNutrition International launches Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course in Bahasa language
Jakarta, INDONESIA – Nutrition International and the Indonesian Ministry of Health launched a translated version of a free online course on adolescent nutrition and anaemia in Bahasa, the official language of Indonesia, during an event marking the Indonesian National Day of Nutrition. “Adolescents the world over are extensively impacted by malnutrition, said Sri Kusyuniati, Country […]
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Jakarta, INDONESIA – Nutrition International and the Indonesian Ministry of Health launched a translated version of a free online course on adolescent nutrition and anaemia in Bahasa, the official language of Indonesia, during an event marking the Indonesian National Day of Nutrition.
“Adolescents the world over are extensively impacted by malnutrition, said Sri Kusyuniati, Country Director, Nutrition International in Indonesia. “Girls are more vulnerable to malnutrition due to their specific biological needs. It is unfortunate that one in four adolescent girls in Indonesia suffer from anaemia, which may result in giving birth to stunted babies in the future. The adoption of the Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course is a welcome measure that will aid health practitioners at all levels to improve health and nutrition programming. We are happy to collaborate with the Ministry of Health for this launch.”
The self-paced course was initially developed in English (with transcripts in eight other languages) by Nutrition International to help health and nutrition program planners and implementers design national and local evidence-based programs to improve nutrition. Topics include the global anaemia situation, the impact on women and adolescent girls, causes and consequences of anaemia, global guidelines, existing interventions to improve adolescent nutrition, data gaps, and research needs. The course is designed for program managers of adolescent health and nutrition programs, researchers, academics, health sciences students, teachers, policy makers from health, education and related sectors, and development professionals working in nutrition and related sectors.
One in four adolescent girls and nearly half of pregnant women in Indonesia are anaemic, making it a major public health concern in the country. The government has implemented various programs – including mandatory wheat flour fortification, iron and folic acid supplementation for pregnant women, weekly iron and folic acid supplementation for adolescent girls, nutrition education, and promoting dietary diversity. All these activities are aimed at reducing anaemia rates and achieving the national vision of reducing the prevalence of stunting to 14% by 2024.
“Specific interventions for the first 1,000 days program have been conducted to identify nutrition issues of pregnant women, newborns, children under two, and adolescents,” said Murti Utami, acting Director General of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Government of Indonesia, while delivering the opening remarks at the National Nutrition Day Talk Show, where the Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course was launched. “Some of the nutrition interventions which have proven effective and efficient include micronutrient supplementation for adolescents and pregnant women, routine monitoring of child growth and development, infant and child feeding promotion through early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, appropriate child feeding, as well as increased intake of animal-sourced protein.”
The Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course is another significant step towards educating program practitioners in Indonesia on best practices for national anaemia reduction programs. The development of the course was funded by the Government of Canada. Translation to Bahasa was done with the support of the Government of Australia.