Country alliances

SUN Civil Society Alliances (CSAs) are alliances of civil society organisations, including human rights defenders, community organisations, women’s groups, small farmers, research entities, child rights organisations that operate within a specific country.

Country CSA name Region
Afghanistan Afghanistan Civil Society Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (ACSA-FSN) Asia
Bangladesh Bangladesh Civil Society Alliance Asia
Benin Benin Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Botswana Botswana Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Burkina Faso Reseau de la Société civile pour la Nutrition (RESONUT) West and Central Africa
Burundi Burundi Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Cambodia Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance in Cambodia Asia
Cameroon Cameroon Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Central African Republic Central African Republic Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Chad Chad Civil Society Alliance (ROSCINUT) West and Central Africa
Colombia Fundación Éxito (Friend of SUN) Latin America and the Caribbean
Comoros Comoros Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Congo Congo Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) Congo, Democratic Republic Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Costa Rica Costa Rica Civil Society Alliance Latin America and the Caribbean
Côte d’Ivoire Ivorian Civil Society Committed to Nutrition (SCIEN) West and Central Africa
Ecuador Ecuador Civil Society Alliance Latin America and the Caribbean
El Salvador Alliance of Civil Society Organizations for Sovereignty and Nutritional Food Security, El Salvador (NUTRES) Latin America and the Caribbean
Ethiopia Ethiopia Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Gabon Gabon Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Gambia Gambia Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Ghana Ghana SUN Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Guatemala Instance of Consultation and Social Participation – INCOPAS Latin America and the Caribbean
Guinea Guinea Conakry Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Guinea-Bissau Guinea Bissau Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Honduras Honduras Civil Society Alliance Latin America and the Caribbean
Indonesia Indonesia Civil Society Alliance Asia
Kenya SUN CSA Kenya East and Southern Africa
Kyrgyzstan CSA SUN Kyrgyzstan Asia
Lao People’s Democratic Republic Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Laos Asia
Lesotho Lesotho Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Liberia SUN Civil Society Alliance of Liberia (SUNCSAL) West and Central Africa
Madagascar HINA Civil Society Platform West and Central Africa
Malawi Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance (CSONA) East and Southern Africa
Mali Alliance Scaling Up Nutrition Mali (Alliance SUN Mali) West and Central Africa
Mauritania Mauritania Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Mozambique Civil Society Platform for the SUN Movement Mozambique East and Southern Africa
Myanmar Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Myanmar Asia
Namibia Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN) East and Southern Africa
Nepal Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Nepal (CSANN) Asia
Niger Niger Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Nigeria Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CSS+UNN) West and Central Africa
Pakistan Scaling up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Pakistan (SUNCSA Pak) Asia
Papua New Guinea SUN CSA of Papua New Guinea Asia
Peru Perù Civil Society Alliance – The Child Malnutrition Initiative (IDI) Latin America and the Caribbean
Philippines Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Civil Society Alliance Philippines (SUN-CSA PH) Asia
Rwanda Scaling Up Nutrition (CS) Alliance Rwanda East and Southern Africa
Senegal Scaling Up Nutrition Senegal (Platform SUN) West and Central Africa
Sierra Leone Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform West and Central Africa
Somalia Somaliland Civil Society Network for Scaling-Up Nutrition East and Southern Africa
South Sudan South Sudan Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Sri Lanka Scaling Up Nutrition People’s Forum Sri Lanka Asia
Sudan Sudan Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Tajikistan Tajikistan Civil Society Alliance Asia
Tanzania, United Republic of Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania East and Southern Africa
Timor-Leste Timor Leste Civil Society Alliance Asia
Togo Togo Civil Society Alliance West and Central Africa
Uganda Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda East and Southern Africa
Viet Nam SUN CSA Vietnam Asia
Yemen Yemen Civil Society Alliance East and Southern Africa
Zambia Zambia Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (CSOSUN) East and Southern Africa
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (ZCSOSUNA) East and Southern Africa

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