Flooding in Pakistan: Take Action

Non classifié(e), Asia

Extreme flooding in Pakistan has led to over 1500 deaths and left over one third of the country under water. As citizens struggle to find shelter, health conditions and nutrition and food security are worsening.

Many of our Civil Society Network member organisations are on the ground delivering life saving support as is our national alliance in Pakistan who have been supporting the delivery of emergency food parcels.

Keep up with the latest news and offer your support here.

The catastrophe unleashed in Pakistan is unprecedented in country’s history. All the efforts to bring global focus to mobilize support and facilitation is much appreciated.

AALIYA HABIB, Civil society Alliance Pakistan

Donate to a local organisation in Pakistan

The magnitude of the current flood catastrophe, due to climate change, calls for urgent actions from the global communities, to save millions of people including women, children and the disabled from becoming victims of food insecurity and malnutrition.  The effects of this calamity will be felt for generations to come, if timely response is not extended.

Dr Shabina Raza, Convener SUNCSA Pakistan

Donate to the DEC appeal

Organisations have come together as part of the ‘Disasters Emergency Committee’ to provide fundraising support for those suffering following the extreme flooding in Pakistan.

What your donation will contribute to

  • £10 could provide essential hygiene supplies for two people 
  • £50 could provide emergency shelter for two families 
  • £100 could provide emergency food for two families for a month

Pakistan hit with ever worst and devastating floods and vanished not only lives but also the livelihoods. A country with a huge number of populations having limited physical and economic access to diversified food is expected to experience severe shortage of foods that will result triple burden of malnutrition.

Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, SUN Government Focal Point Pakistan/ Chief Nutrition; MoPDSI

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