Former National Coordinator, Civil Society Platform Sierra Leone.
My work in nutrition
I am Victoria Squire, a Seasoned Integrated development project manager, expert facilitator, change agent and accomplished leader with a solid 8 years’ experience managing nutrition and health projects including during emergencies and in the development phase. I am also knowledgeable about Scaling Up Nutrition methodologies, ideas and concepts.
I led the Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform, a group of 219 Civil Society Organisations in Sierra Leone, that implemented projects on nutrition and health for, 4 years.
As a hardworking and enthusiastic person, I have had the opportunity to be part of many successful teams and nutrition projects. I am confident in handling all aspects of the program managing and coordinating, mentoring, coaching and monitoring and evaluation.
I have provided leadership, guidance and oversight for a complex, multi-million dollar operation to streamline networks. I am adept at building my team and then delivering genuine solutions as well as managing for impact.
My passion for women and children drove me to the nutrition sphere. Nutrition plays a key role in the life and wellbeing of a mother, child and teenagers. So far I have done tremendous work in supporting in capacity building of CSO`s, in health and nutrition counselling, awareness raising and advocacy.
The role of women
Women play a very important role in nutrition because of the productive and reproductive role they play in the home and it is essential they participate in programme design, advocacy and implementation of nutrition activities and projects. Having women on board helps articulate nutrition issues effectively and efficiently. For this reason, women should be motivated and included in the nutrition sphere.