Are you a women working in food systems, what do you do? Yes, I am Nutrition International’s Country Director in Kenya. In this role I lead program planning, development and implementation of multisectoral nutrition programs. I also manage relations with Donors, Government of Kenya and other key local stakeholders. As the Chair of the SUN […]
ReadAll East and Southern Africa region news
The African Union Year of Nutrition
At their annual meeting in February of 2022, the African Union declared 2022 ‘The Year of Nutrition for Africa’. This is an exciting initiative as it will shine a spotlight on nutrition in Africa and push for greater political commitment on nutrition and increased investment to address the ongoing malnutrition challenges. The AU will strive […]
ReadScaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network Commitment
This week, actors across the nutrition community including representatives from governments, businesses, academics and members of civil society came together to make bold pledges towards the UN nutrition targets at the Nutrition for Growth Summit. The Civil Society Network (CSN) is part of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a world-wide Movement to end malnutrition. Our diverse […]
ReadWorld Breastfeeding Week 2021: Zimbabwe changes Parliament for the better
With more women parliamentarians than ever before, it is crucial that facilities are available for women to adequately nourish their child during its first 1000 days. In Zimbabwe, Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care chairperson Dr Ruth Labode said “We now have more young female legislators in Parliament who have children and are breastfeeding.” It […]
Read5 things we learnt from the 2020 Civil Society Annual Survey
Our membership is huge! With civil society presence in nearly 50 countries, we always knew we were a large network. But after gathering the data from this year’s Annual Survey we have discovered that we have an incredible 4212 member organisations in the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN)!1 This number has increased […]
ReadThe SUN Civil Society Network launches its new 5-year strategy!
Why do we need a new CSN strategy? The Civil Society Network 3.0 strategy (2021-2025) constitutes an essential guide to rally all civil society members’ collective efforts behind a strong mission and vision. The CSN 3.0 strategy was designed for the Network by the Network, in alignment with the overall SUN Movement 3.0 strategy. As such, the […]
ReadMeet the women of the CSN: Georgine Obwana
Program Officer, Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU) My work in nutrition First of all I am the Program Officer – Networking and Institutional Development for Civil Society Alliance for Nutrition Uganda (CISANU). CISANU is the Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in Uganda formed through a coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and academia. Under […]
ReadMeet the women of the CSN: Jane Napais Lankisa
Youth Leader for Nutrition, Kenya My work in nutrition I am a global youth leader for nutrition under the SUN youth leaders program. My work revolves around nutrition advocacy with a specific interest in adolescent nutrition. Based in Kenya, I champion for optimum nutrition among young people and children by extension. My passion for nutrition […]
ReadMeet the women of the CSN: Florence Sibomana
Youth Leader for Nutrition, Rwanda My work in nutrition I am a Youth Leader for Nutrition from Rwanda and I initiated the Youth Powered Nutrition project which aims at equipping young people with knowledge and skills on nutrition advocacy to ensure behaviour change towards healthy lifestyles. I decided to work in the nutrition sphere because […]
ReadMeet the women of the CSN: Victorine Edson ANJARASOA
TAMAFA coordinatrice, Madagascar Je suis coordinatrice de l’association TAMAFA depuis 2003 jusqu’à ce jour. Je suis décidée à travailler sur la nutrition car il y a beaucoup d’enfants victime de la malnutrition chez nous à Madagascar, région Toliara. Stratégie pour élever les femmes au rang de leadership: il faut les responsabiliser et leur apprendre la […]
ReadTAMAFA coordinatrice, Madagascar
Je suis coordinatrice de l’association TAMAFA depuis 2003 jusqu’à ce jour.
Je suis décidée à travailler sur la nutrition car il y a beaucoup d’enfants victime de la malnutrition chez nous à Madagascar, région Toliara.
Stratégie pour élever les femmes au rang de leadership: il faut les responsabiliser et leur apprendre la maîtrise de soi.