Working to solve malnutrition requires coordination and teamwork. The SUN Civil Society Network, supported by the network secretariat, enables its members to build relationships, create plans, and share resources – so we can achieve more by taking action together.
Learning and networking
The size and scope of our network means we’re equipped to support learning and help SUN Civil Society Network members overcome their unique challenges.
Networking events are a big part of how we learn and grow. The secretariat, as well as regional groups, organise conferences and ‘virtual’ events. These events facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, guidance and support.
Learning exchanges are events that allow the participating SUN Civil Society Network members to learn from each other’s experiences and share best practices.
The most recent learning exchange, held in Nepal in July 2017, brought together CSA representatives from nine Asian countries.
In order to end malnutrition by 2030, we need to win the support of people in power. Our members are working with communities, media organisations and parliamentarians to campaign for change. The SUN CSN Secretariat is at hand to advise members on their campaigning activities if requested.
Influencing government spending
In order to end malnutrition and hunger, we need to encourage governments and others to increase and improve the nature of their spending. The SUN Civil Society Network supports CSAs to monitor spending for nutrition so that they can hold governments to account and ensure funds are dedicated to evidence-based nutrition interventions. The network has made progress in countries like Pakistan, Senegal and Sierra Leone – but there’s more work to be done.
Youth participation
Young people are the future of the world – so it’s important that we speak with them, not for them. The SUN Civil Society Network is encouraging the next generation to take part in our mission by involving them in events and providing them with practical training. We want to empower young people to become leaders in the fight against malnutrition.
Keeping nutrition in the media isn’t just important – it’s vital if we want to raise awareness and put pressure on governments. The SUN Civil Society Network organisations have been working closely with journalists through training sessions and campaigning initiatives. This has helped to improve media coverage in numerous countries, such as Zambia and Tanzania.
Parliamentary champions
Parliamentarians have the expertise and influence to make a real difference to the SUN cause. The SUN Civil Society Network supports CSAs and member organisations to engage with them wherever possible, holding them accountable to their previous commitments and encouraging them to share their ideas.
Obtaining funds is a major challenge for any non-profit organisation. This is particularly true for alliances in developing countries who are just starting out, or who are in need of extra funds.
While the SUN Civil Society Network does not generally provide funds to our alliances, we do help them to build and optimise fundraising strategies. We provide personal support, along with toolkits and resources that assist in attracting attention and raising funds.
One of our partners is Fundraising Radicals , who offer trainings on fundraising, the know-hows and the how-tos.
With so many diverse organisations in our network, governance structures are needed to keep everything working smoothly. Each alliance in our network receives support from two governing bodies: the steering group and the secretariat.
This governance helps ensure alliances remain accountable and are aligned with the ethical principles of the network and the SUN principles of engagement.
At both global and national level, the SUN Civil Society Network works hard to advocate for increased spending on nutrition as well as working hard to improve nutrition situations in key thematic areas.
Women and Nutrition
Gender inequality, and the low value many societies accord to women and girls, is a core driver of global malnutrition. Without a critical focus on the unique experience of women and girls, societies will never be able to address food insecurity and malnutrition for all.
The term “food system” refers to all of the activities involved in producing, processing, transporting and consuming food. They are a crucial part in supporting nutritional health globally and have a huge effect on the health of our environment, economic systems, and livelihoods.